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  • Writer's pictureMountain Sky Rabbitry

Bunny Care 101

Updated: Jan 25

Knowing how to properly care for a rabbit is essential for a happy, healthy bunny. We always say that taking care of a rabbit is about the same workload as taking care of a cat. Diet, habitat, and grooming are the 3 big factors in rabbit care. Below, we share the basics of those factors to help you prepare for your bunny experience!

Diet - Full-grown Holland Lops generally consume 1/4 cup of alfalfa pellets per day. Young Holland lops under 12 weeks should be fed unlimited food, but once they are over the age of 12 weeks, you should limit their pellets to prevent obesity and obesity-related illnesses. Since their pellets are alfalfa, be sure to provide your bunny with timothy hay, timothy grass, or orchard grass, which will provide the high-fiber diet that bunnies need for a healthy gut. Make sure your bunny has an ample supply of clean water every day. Any water safe for humans to drink is safe for rabbits. If you wouldn’t drink it, don’t give it to your rabbit! We recommend using water bowls, but these can leave your rabbit thirsty if he/she tends to flip it over. If so, try a gravity waterer instead.

Grooming - Holland Lops need to be groomed approximately once a week. We use the SleekEZ and the Hairbuster brush to get the job done.

Nail Trimming - Rabbits’ nails need to be trimmed once every 4-6 weeks. For this, wrap your bun in a towel or place them securely on your lap. Gently lift one paw and trim the nails on that paw. Place it back in the towel or onto your lap and move on to the next paw. When finished, feed your bunny a treat! This will help them associate nail trimming with a good thing. Habitat - The internet is filled with great ideas for rabbit housing. One great option is a large exercise pen. Bunnies that come from us are mostly, if not fully, litter trained, so a solid floor enclosure is perfect for both you and the bunny! We currently have 15 square foot cages that we built ourselves that work great for us. Once you have bunny-proofed your house, we recommend you let your bunny out for playtime in a bigger space.

Flooring - A comfortable, easy-to-clean flooring is crucial for bunnies. We use vinyl flooring, but soft exercise mats or non-slide puppy mats can also be used. Never use wire flooring, as this can injure your bunny’s feet and cause sore hocks.

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