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babies in the nestbox.
Please check the Available Babies page for bunnies ready for reservation. Babies in the nestbox will be published on the Available Babies page once they turn 4 weeks old. Those interested can fill out an application to be pre-approved. Not every baby will be available for adoption, since we may hold back some babies to add to our fluffle.
Litters planned but not guaranteed -
Those interested can fill out an application to be pre-approved. Although we are not operating a waiting list, being pre-approved will add you to a contact list. This list will be notified when the babies are born, and of important dates such as reservation day. This list also grants you access to schedule an in-person meet and greet before reservation day.
There is no specific order, it is first come first serve on reservation day. All of these babies will be available to reserve 4 weeks after they are born. To reserve a baby, a 50% deposit is required.
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